Fighting for Lincoln

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I'm Hamish Falconer

Former head of the UK's Terrorism Response Team

I’m Labour’s candidate for Lincoln at the next General Election. I used to be part of Britain’s Foreign Office, leading teams like the Terorrism Response Team, working to respond to terrorist attacks and kidnaps of British people overseas. I’ve set out my five pledges to you that I’ll commit to get done if I’m elected as Lincoln’s Member of Parliament.

Every week I hear from people concerned about our NHS: about waiting more than 30 hours for an ambulance, overstretched staff in A&E, and the struggle to get appointments. I am absolutely committed to improving this; focusing on bringing in investment, keeping doctors and nurses in the city after they graduate, and delivering Labour’s ambitious plans for more staff, scanners and appointments.

In Lincoln, Bracebridge Heath, Waddington and Skellingthorpe working people are struggling. Wages are 10% lower than the national average, and have declined in real terms since 2010. We’re a young, dynamic city with high tech strengths, deep history, and rich heritage. It doesn’t need to be like this. My priority is to get wages rising through high tech, green jobs, investment in Lincoln’s existing strengths, and giving young people the work and housing they want to stay and help build an even brighter future for the city.

My pledges

After 14 years of cuts to vital public services, it’s time for change.

I’m Hamish Falconer, and I’m asking for your vote in the upcoming General Election. Lincoln needs change and a fresh start. My
priorities are the cost of living crisis, repairing the NHS locally, and bringing investment to our beautiful, high tech city which has
so much to offer the country and the county.

I’m not a career politician: this is the first time I’ve stood for elected office. I previously worked in the British Foreign Office, including as the former head of the UK’s Terrorism Response Team, and I want to use that experience of public service to fight for the change Lincoln needs.

I live in the centre of the city and I’m committed to work every day for Lincoln, Bracebridge Heath, Waddington and Skellingthorpe. This year Lincoln and the country needs change – that will only happen if we vote for it. An opportunity to serve this city is all I ask.

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Get in touch

I want to hear from all residents in Lincoln, Bracebridge Heath, Waddington and Skellingthorpe.

Our city is at a crossroads. The past 13 years of Conservative government have been shambolic and left people in Lincoln struggling to make ends meet.

I have a plan to get our city fulfilling its huge potential again – but I want to hear from you too .